Why STaiRwaY?
Upon taking a glance on my blog, STAIRWAY... maybe you'll ask why STAIRWAY? What is in it? Well, I chose STAIRWAY simply because it speaks of taking a STEP either going up or going down in order to reach the next level or even reach a place where you want to go. It is my avenue to reach out to the world and share my hopes and aspirations in life as well as sharing the wonders of dwelling here in the Philippines.

Cardinal Vidal, Happy Birthday!

>> Sunday, February 7, 2010

     Belated birthday greetings to our very own Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal who celebrated his 79th birthday yesterday, February 7, 2010.
     Wish God will make all your dreams come true. Happy, happy, happy  birthday to you Cardinal Vidal.


rjs mama February 7, 2010 at 2:26 AM  

HB to the Cardinal :)

Mary Ann February 8, 2010 at 12:36 AM  

To friend rjs mama,

Yes, Cardinal is already 79 years old. Its a great age, but still doing good. Thanks for coming. Keep coming back.

"Life is not a race but a journey to be savoured each step along the way"

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