Why STaiRwaY?
Upon taking a glance on my blog, STAIRWAY... maybe you'll ask why STAIRWAY? What is in it? Well, I chose STAIRWAY simply because it speaks of taking a STEP either going up or going down in order to reach the next level or even reach a place where you want to go. It is my avenue to reach out to the world and share my hopes and aspirations in life as well as sharing the wonders of dwelling here in the Philippines.

Man Cannot Live by Bread Alone

>> Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Man Cannot Live by Bread Alone

It has been said that man cannot survive in this world without the words of God. Do you believe in this? “Yes I do,” is always the answer.
I can still recall the saddest moments in my life when the world seemed so cruel to me. I asked the Lord why this misfortune happened to me and not  to others despite my being His good follower. God just answered, “Mary Ann, live, be happy and don’t worry for I have chosen thee.”
There were even times in my life when all the problems were cast down upon me and the darkest night seemed not to end and all my struggles were in vain. I called on to God and He answered me, “Mary Ann, You are not alone.”
I then learned that life is a challenge to live. To care, to understand and to forgive is all that matters to God. I want the Lord to lead me to a path where trials are few but soon I realized and chose to continue my journey in life with God. I don’t know where I am going to for it is God who leads me the way. He is the the life, the truth and the way.

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"Life is not a race but a journey to be savoured each step along the way"

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